Dr. Debra Robinson
Dear Missouri S&T Family Member,
Congratulations and welcome to Missouri S&T family. The transition to college is shared by the entire family and we are excited to partner with you to support your student’s success.
A top priority for both family members and Missouri S&T is the health and welfare of our campus community. We have a comprehensive array of health and well-being resources to promote a safe and healthy residential campus experience. As family members, we want to partner with you to ensure this transition promotes well-being and success for your student.
The value of family conversations is evidenced to help students know what to do when faced with new decisions or challenging situations. Nearly 70% of S&T undergraduate students turn to parents when making decisions. Research demonstrates the association between college-student alcohol use and depression, suicide, and high-risk sexual behavior. Your support in discussing these with your student is critical, even if they do not experience these directly.
Thank you for choosing to complete the Parental Notification Module to learn more about the policies and resources to support students. Unless you opt-out in the final step of the module, our policy allows S&T to collaborate with parent(s)/legal guardian(s) on alcohol or controlled substance policy violations.
Over the summer your student will be receiving communication asking them to complete the following items prior to orientation in support of their well-being and success.
During Opening Week your student will be introduced to Joe Miner chatbot, a resource designed to support student success by learning directly from students about their S&T experience through text messaging. Based on student input, Joe Miner connects individual students with personalized support and resources aligned with their interests and needs. Joe Miner also serves as a 24/7 concierge about S&T and the many available resources.
Please discuss these important resources and topics with your student to help reinforce the importance of making positive, healthy, and informed choices and using campus support resources. We look forward to welcoming your student to campus this Fall.
Best regards,
Dr. Debra Robinson
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs